Writing 3 Syllabus

Writing Ⅲ


This course focuses first of all on writing quantity, and I hope students will all write at least 10,000 words for Writing Ⅲ. By writing a lot, you will become more fluent and confident in English, and this will prepare you for meaningful improvements in your writing quality, too.


There are 4 main activities, and 1 associated activity, in the course.

Book reviews
Every week, you should read a book from the English Reading Garden, and write a simple review of the book on your blog.
Juppun ha Juubun
Most weeks, at the beginning of the class, we will do a short timed writing (10 minutes). This is a kind of warm-up exercise, to help you get used to writing fluently. Most students at first find it very difficult to write a complete post in just 10 minutes, but gradually get faster. By doing juppun ha juubun regularly, you can monitor your progress in writing fluency. Juppun ha Juubun also acts as a check on attendance.
There will be approximately 4 essays to write during the semester. This is your best chance to concentrate on improving your writing quality. Usually, we will spend 3 weeks on each essay. A typical cycle will be mind map - outline - essay - corrections - revision. You need to submit each essay before the deadline that your teacher will give you. Please submit essays in .doc, .pages, .rtf, or .pdf format. After submitting each essay, please paste the content into your blog. Then, after you have improved your essay, you should post the improved version to your blog.
General blogging
This is the most important part of the course, and probably the most interesting for most students. You should write blog posts as often as possible about any topics that interest you. This could be about what you did at the weekend, your hobbies, an interesting program you watched on TV, a nice café you visited, a photo that you took. You should adjust your general blogging so that your blog will have a total of 10,000 words or more (including all your writing on your blog, such as book reviews and essays).
Mr Tomei will give you typing homework. You should follow his instructions with this homework. After doing the homework, you submit it to Mr Tomei, but I recommend that you reuse your writing from this homework for your general blogging.


Study this picture or this picture of the Writing Ⅲ course.